Welcome to the team!
Thank you for joining The Trading Mentor and welcome to team! We are thrilled to have you on board.
We invite you to contact us on Discord in order to get you set up and ready to go. You will need a Discord account to access the Chat Room, the Trade Calls Room and all the materials. Please make sure that your Discord name matches the one used to subscribe on PayPal (this will speed up the process). Once you have your account ready simply copy this invite link and paste it on your browser:
DISCORD invite link:
If you get stuck, you can send a contact request to alexsoro or to willsebastiancheckmytag9285 on Discord or alex.manhattan on Skype.
Once you are added to the Discord rooms, you will receive the following:
Access to the Trade Calls area where we will post trade calls along with their corresponding charts, explanations, management and more. Access to the Training Video Library where you will be able to watch over 50 training videos that explain the methodology and the concepts applied within. Access to the Live Room Session Library where you will be able to watch replays of any Live Room session you may have missed. A link to a welcome package with indicators and templates that we use every day. Access to the Live Room where you will watch us analyze and trade live. We are eager to meet you so again, welcome and please reach out if you have any questions.
Alex Soro & Will Sebastian
We aim to give access to new members within a few hours after joining. After you follow the instructions on this Thank You page, all that will be left is for us to add you to the Discord groups so that you can begin accessing the training program and interacting with the mentors and other members like yourself.